Hmm. Feels like ages since we've had a new YuGiOh! product announcement to tell you about. Nothing new has been announced in ages, product wise, but there has been a steady trickle of information of on the contents of forthcoming releases, so I'll give you a quick run through.
Of course next week for the TCG, there's Duelist Pack Crow - it's fairly big news for the Blackwing fans, but since it's likely to contain the same cards the OCG version did, it's fairly, well, old news. If you haven't been keeping up to date though, follow the hyperlink for the full OCG list. We're also starting to get, fragment by fragment, the card list for Gold Series 4: Pyramid Edition, but other than the funky playmat I'm not desperately excited so far.
Meanwhile in the OCG, we're starting to learn about more of the cards in the next booster - Photon Shockwave - now that's one I can get excited about as we start to see the Exceed mechanic take shape. There's also been more confirmed cards for the Devil's Gate structure deck. That's the one that instantly turns Dark World into something worth talking about (probably).
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