Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The Second Zexal Booster Announced

Well Generation Force hasn't even hit the streets of Japan yet, and here we are, already in possession of the name of the next one. It's called Photon Shockwave, it'll be the second Zexal booster, and it's due for Japanese OCG release on July 16th of this year. Now for the next bit, you folks talk amongst yourselves while I attempt to fill up the rest of this blog post, because that's pretty much the sum total of what we know about it so far. Oh, other than the cover card will be called Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and I'd place a bet right now (if Ladbrokes would entertain me) that it's an Exceed Monster. As usual we have a (currently rather sparse looking) information page on Photon Shockwave, that'll grow as we find out more.

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