Friday, 25 February 2011

OCG Release Round Up

With the forthcoming launch of Zexal for the OCG, it's an exciting time for all YuGiOh! players wherever they are in the world. As promised last week, this is just a quick post today to keep you up to speed with forthcoming OCG Zexal releases, and all the stuff we know about them so far.

March 19th is the big date for the diaries - on that day, we get the brand new 2011 OCG Zexal Starter deck 2011, and finally get to solve all the mysteries around how Exceed Summoning works. Over on our guide page to the deck, we've got a guide to what we know so far about Exceed Summons, but there's still a huge number of questions around how it impacts other game mechanics, so we wait with bated breath.

We then need to contain our excitement for nearly a full month before we get the next two installments. First up, there's a new Duel Terminal - the name Exceed Startup tells us everything we need to know :) Then we have the first OCG booster for Zexal - Generation Force - out on the 16th April in Japan, and featuring loads of the cards already seen in the new Manga. Exciting times!


  1. I'm a bit worry about how the new cards would turn out...

  2. Naturally, there's some concern whenever new game mechanics are introduced. Players in our store are wondering if some existing deck types will instantly become obsolete as well. I haven't seen any Exceed monsters yet that look like they turn the game on its head, but we're still to see the full rules, and what sort of support they get too. Interesting times ;)
